This play between time periods is influential for the designs of the mechanics, due to the fact that they are set in the future when water has run out and all is left are 'the memories', yet they have been operatives of the machinery for so long that they have become the past of the Pumphouse.
I intend my costume designs to be timeless, but with a hint of different eras from the past, therefore, this style of clothing would be influential. The idea of cogs and old watches of this style represents the narrative of the Pumphouse production and the way that time is going backwards as we move through the journey of the performance. The concept of time would be represented through the mechanical elements of watches, such as cogs.
The steampunk style would portray the mechanics as 'inventors' as they are in charge of maintaining the machinery of the Pumphouse and keeping it in order. They are in charge of 'the memories of water' and i believe that a steampunk-esque uniform would reflect their importance and significance within the Pumphouse.
The use of metal and steel would help me develop the visual element of rust on the costumes, as well as using nuts and bolts to hold their costume together, to create the appearance that they have been working there for a long time and are trying to maintain their clothing, as well as the machinery.